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Jun 25, 2019

We all live our lives within mythic structures, and we always will. But early on, as James Fowler states, we take these overarching stories as literally true (he names his Stage 2 as Mythic-Literal). Then life, in ways that we can comprehend, serves up alternate mythologies. We begin to see the stories of others...

Jun 18, 2019

In this episode, I am joined by the wonderful scholar Taylor Petrey for a conversation on "church." Our goal was to try to open up the concept of church to allow more breathing room so we might consider it beyond a particular religion and its various leadership, ritual, and community forms. In the first part of our...

Jun 11, 2019

I've just released a new and very powerful episode of the Latter-day Faith podcast. I hope you'll check it out!
We live so much of our lives unconsciously, in many ways reacting, seeing, and judging based on understandings that were primarily "given to" us during our formative years. Among the toughest...

Jun 4, 2019

According to Joseph Smith, faith is the first principle of the gospel. And many of this teachings show that he understood it profoundly. But ever since the early church published its "Articles of Faith" with all but one of them beginning with "We believe," Latter-day Saints, like so many other Christians who now...