Jul 8, 2022
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints makes many
claims about the importance of priesthood. It also claims that
conferral of the priesthood is only to be given to men, only needed
by men, not women. Why is that? Yet when LDS leaders actually talk
about priesthood's power in relation to men's spirituality and the
special gifts it holds, their messaging seems to be describing
things that are good qualities and attributes for all people, for
anyone who seeks to be a good disciple of Christ. So what is it
about men that they need the priesthood boost whereas women don't?
What do men lack that seems to be inherent in women?
In the spirit of inquiry and clarity rather than in service of an
agenda related to priesthood conferral upon and ordination for
women, this episode features a discussion about such things between
Ian Thomsen and LDF host Dan
Wotherspoon. They discuss specific messages by leaders as
well as the kinds of explanations one often hears in LDS circle
that employ some form of "gender essentialism," which hinges on
essential differences between men and women, as part of the
reasoning. Yet no real explanation for a men-only priesthood
emerges when pressed. Such things are usually asserted rather than
examined or argued for. Ultimately, this sort of approach to
justifying the exclusion of women from priesthood (essentially
saying they already have the spiritual qualities and don't need
ordination) leads to a need to really ask fresh what, exactly, is
priesthood? Is priesthood "power" distinct from priesthood
Do our current teachings about priesthood rely on scriptural
precedent? Do practices from early LDS history and within
Mormonism's own scriptural record match with what we see today
regarding a universal priesthood for all men? Is there a place for
non-priesthood-ed men within the church? Is that even conceivable
within today's church assumptions? What role do cultural notions,
especially older ones, play in keeping us today from asking
important questions in these and other areas? If we are here on
earth to thrive and grow spiritually and ultimately develop as God
has, it sure would be helpful to understand what priesthood
Listen in! These are important things to think about.